Introduction to TalentLMS (001)
Introduction to TalentLMS (001)
Welcome to TalentLMS! Using new software can be more frustrating than starting a show in the middle of the season. Watch this 15-minute video course to get familiar with TalentLMS and get the most out of your shiny new account.
Content and TalentLMS (003)
Content and TalentLMS (003)
When creating an online course, content is all you need! Take some time to find out the types of content available in TalentLMS. More than that, this course will give you an idea about how it feels to be a learner in our platform.
Advocate For Your Office
Advocate For Your Office
Learn about the importance of advocacy and how you can be an effective advocate in the world. Learning Objectives: • Why it’s important to be an advocate • Identifying relevant advocacy issues • Qualities of effective advocacy
All about Electronic Closings
2023 Annual Conference
All about Electronic Closings
Electronic closings (eClosings) leverage technology to streamline and digitize the closing process, making it more efficient, convenient, and secure. This session will address electronic signatures, digital documents, secure platforms, RON,...
Are You Leading or Managing?
2023 Winter Symposium
Are You Leading or Managing?
This panel will distinguish leadership from management. What does leadership look like in all roles in the day-to-day 9-5 work flow, and the atypical commission based structure where there are no set time constraints? This presentation will...
Being Well ~ The Value of Self Care
Being Well ~ The Value of Self Care
Attendees will: 1. Learn how our monkey mind works and discover tips for how to tame and train it for greater well-being and self-care. 2. Discover how a simple shift in focus can reframe our perspective, bring greater clarify and...
Blockchain Basics
2023 Winter Symposium
Blockchain Basics
This session will explain difference between Crypto and Blockchain and the application for recorders. There is a foundational technology and different applications of the technology. Crypto and blockchain are not the same, but they work in...
Blockchain in Real Estate
Blockchain in Real Estate
Teresa Grobecker, CEO, Real Estate Consortia Sheila Fejeran, COO, Real Estate Consortia The Real Estate Consortia put the world's largest asset class, American real estate, on its private, patent pending blockchain to immutably track events...
Blockchain Work Group - A Case Study and Sub-group Reports
2023 Annual Conference
Blockchain Work Group - A Case Study and Sub-group Reports
PRIA's Blockchain Work Group came out of the gates at a gallop forming sub-groups to address different aspects of blockchain. Sub-groups are diving into basic terminology, blockchain uses in both the public and private sectors and current...
Business Continuity
2023 Winter Symposium
Business Continuity
This session will focus on PRIA's Business Continuity Work Project which offers a guideline for developing and evaluating a plan. Brian Ernissee, NTC - A Covius Solution; Rick Setser, DeKalb Co., GA

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